War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an endless project, even a dream, to be in brotherhood realized by all members of international community. Since the XVII century the elimination of war and armed conflict has been a political and humanitarian objective of all nations in the world. Both the League of Nations and the United Nations were conceived with the spirit of eliminating the risk of war through the pro¬motion of peace, cooperation and solidarity among Nations. The Universal Declaration of Hu¬man Rights and the subsequent human rights instruments were drafted with a sincere aspiration of promoting the value of peace and human rights worldwide. International practice shows t...
Since the inception of the United Nations in 1945 the international community has been actively enga...
Praca opisuje nieudane negocjacje pokojowe toczące się w Prabutach w lutym i marcu 1628 r. w oparciu...
Zagadnienie prawa do interwencji zbrojnej ma naturę zagadnienia trudnego, często kontrowersyjnego, z...
War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream, to...
Wojna i pokój stale zmieniały bieg historii. W konsekwencji, pokój postrzegany był jako marzenie, ni...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream,...
While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States...
Karta Narodów Zjednoczonych jest najważniejszym paktem pokoju w historii świata,wskazującym podstawo...
16 maja 2013 r. w Oświęcimiu odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona prawu do pokoju. Spotk...
War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an...
For many years international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law (HR) used to be separated b...
While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States ...
War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an...
Autorka w trzech rozdziałach starała się odpowiedzieć na kilka zasadniczych pytań. Dlaczego na tak n...
Since the inception of the United Nations in 1945 the international community has been actively enga...
Praca opisuje nieudane negocjacje pokojowe toczące się w Prabutach w lutym i marcu 1628 r. w oparciu...
Zagadnienie prawa do interwencji zbrojnej ma naturę zagadnienia trudnego, często kontrowersyjnego, z...
War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream, to...
Wojna i pokój stale zmieniały bieg historii. W konsekwencji, pokój postrzegany był jako marzenie, ni...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream,...
While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States...
Karta Narodów Zjednoczonych jest najważniejszym paktem pokoju w historii świata,wskazującym podstawo...
16 maja 2013 r. w Oświęcimiu odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona prawu do pokoju. Spotk...
War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an...
For many years international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law (HR) used to be separated b...
While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States ...
War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an...
Autorka w trzech rozdziałach starała się odpowiedzieć na kilka zasadniczych pytań. Dlaczego na tak n...
Since the inception of the United Nations in 1945 the international community has been actively enga...
Praca opisuje nieudane negocjacje pokojowe toczące się w Prabutach w lutym i marcu 1628 r. w oparciu...
Zagadnienie prawa do interwencji zbrojnej ma naturę zagadnienia trudnego, często kontrowersyjnego, z...